Sunday, November 22, 2009

Contemporary beatiful people ads

Ad 2

This ad for sean john underwear uses beauty in the form of sex, along with a famous artist Nelly it gives the audience someone to relate to, look up to in a sense. It Shows him as a man isolated away from everything, that is full with confidence by his stance and someone that is ready to take on the world.

Ad 1
This shoe ad uses a famous beautiful person Vanessa Hudgens
to show the attractiveness of the shoes. This will feed into peoples ideology as to what is accepted in society and what will make them stand out. Her placement in the ad also shows how is a world of her own almost as if she looking at everyone else trying to enter.

Beautiful people propaganda (historical)

Pic 2
This also uses the example of a beautiful woman but added a child as well. But this time to grab the audience attention. The beauty is showing sadness it lets you want to fix the problem as to why this woman and child are unhappy. For one it is not normal for beautiful people to be unhappy.

Pic 1

Beautiful people technique is used in this example by placing the woman large and in the forefront she is also over powering the text. By doing so making beauty the key element in which draws the reader into wanting to know more about what this woman is envolved with.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

James Montgomery Flagg.

1918 be a U.s. Marine
Once again America is placed in the fore front and the military as a stronge force backing it up. Composition, and placement is mainly used in this ad,
This is an example of the characteristic of the movement because it places America as Superior to everyone else. The only country that is able to get things done. James uses Typeface, and illustration to get the point across.
This is an example of the characteristic of the movement because it places America at the top of everything the flag is in the sky and it is painted in an up angel.
James uses composition, along with contrast and typeface.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Japanese Tattoo

By: Milton Glaser

I love this poster. It really brings to life the story of how Japanese criminals
are tattooed all over their bodies. The fact that Milton did not place the people in the image in any color other than their tattoos show that they are identified and label with the markings on their bodies. Milton Glaser has a major impact on contemporary illustration and design. I did not Know that he was the creator of those I (heart) NY logos that I seem to see everywhere out side of New York.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cascade Script

Matthew Carter
Designed 1965
under Linotype
Matthew has over 40 years experience in typographic he is label as a master in typographic.
Cascade Script is one the helped Matthew bring light to photo-typesetting.
It also has a very strong stance. IT is one of my favorite type. It grabs the reader into your world. I think that's why I find myself using it a lot.

The Beethovenfries

Gustav Klimt
1902 (vienna secession)
Gustav Klimt is one of the most prominent members of the Vienna secession movement he brought local artist to light gave them the way in their local town instead of going abroad.
This painting screams look at me. The woman seems to over power the over sized beast. I feel that it also shows all of the beauty of women.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Contratto 1922

By: Leonetto Cappiello
He is known as the father of modern advertising. He uses bold images on top of black or colored back ground. He is known for not following behind many artist of his time.
I find this design to be compelling in a way that it seems to have no regards to gravity the center images is just there hovering away not evening complying to time it self. It has a sense of control.

'09 bark catalog

By: David Carson
David Carson is a graphic, innovator of magazine design. He also does a lot of typography. His work definds the "grunge era".
This image is compelling to me because it grabs me in wanting to find out more about Bark Ocean. It also give me a sense of speed.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

By: Jules Cheret
Fete des Fleurs

This peace has depth and a sense of mystery. I really like this peace. The woman in the four front seem to have a sense of importance.
By: Jules Cheret

This peace has a lot of weight with the women on the horse.
Also it seems to carry out a very vivid picture of what to expect out of the show. This peace also makes your eyes focus on the woman first then your eyes seems to follow everything else in order from large to small images..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Before 1950's

Tarzan and the Amazons

Release date April 29, 1945

In Tarzan and the Amazon poster the artist used depth and motion to indicate the tension within the movie along with the difference between the two.

Saul Bass

North By Northwest

By : Saul Bass

Saul Bass uses motion, color, and weight to express the tension and suspense. The poster also seems heavy and loses it's self with depth.


Coming to America

By: Drew Struzan

The poster for Coming to America use color and contrast to create the depth. It shows Eddie Murphy social status as a Prince.

This Milennium

I Am Legend

By: BLT & Associates

The artists use contrast to show the tension and darkness of the movie the Will Smith faces. Depth also separates him for the world and single him out as the only man left on earth.